Sunday Morning Services

Check out our Live Stream Videos

We live stream our services every Sunday morning at 11:00 AM EST. We would love the opportunity to worship with you in-person, but you can always join us virtually through this website, via our YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. Be sure to click the subscribe button to receive notifications when new videos are available.

Here are some quick links to the videos of our Sunday morning services for the past few years. They feature a period of worship followed by a sermon message, and altar call. God bless you and we hope to see you soon at Living Stone Church!

Note: All sermon messages are presented by Pastor Grant Cole unless otherwise noted.


Answer Me - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) 3/23/25

Binding & Loosing - 3/16/25

In The Meantime - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) 3/09/25

Who Do You Say That I Am? - 3/02/25

Love / Lend / Give - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) 2/23/25

Blessed Are Those - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) 2/16/25

Hot Coal and a Fishing Pole - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) 2/9/25

Standing on the Word of God - 2/2/25

Light of Hope - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 1/26/25

Impact - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 1/19/25

The Year of Transition - 1/05/25


God Is Still With Us - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 12/29/24

Emmanuel, God With Us - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 12/22/24

Then You Shall Delight Yourself In The Lord - 12/15/24

It Makes Me Want To Shout (PART 2) - 12/08/24

It Makes Me Want To Shout - 12/01/24

Hey Thanks - (Pastor Doug Hawkins) - 11/24/24

Rise - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 11/17/24

Bread Maker - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 11/11/24

Trust in the Lord - 11/03/24

He Shall Direct Your Paths - 10/27/24

Raised to Life - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 10/20/24

Growing in Gratitude - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 10/13/24

Life and Life Abundant (Part 2) - 10/06/24

Life and Life Abundant (Part 1) - 9/29/24

Purpose Over Pleasure - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 9/22/24

The Inner Circle - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 9/15/24

The Road Less Traveled (Part 3) - 9/8/24

The Empty Pursuit - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 9/1/24

The Road Less Traveled (Part 2) - Walk By Faith - 8/25/24

The Road Less Traveled (Part 1) - 8/18/24

Focus - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 8/11/24

To God Who Always Leads Us In Triumph - 8/4/24

Devine Intervention - (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 7/28/24

His Amazing Love - 7/21/24

Dropping Nets and Dropping Chains (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 7/14/24

Until He Comes (Part 2) - 7/7/24

Do You Love Jesus (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 6/30/24

Until He Comes (Part 1) - 6/23/24

The Parable of the Awesome Dad - 6/16/24

Foundations of Faith (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 6/9/24

Rise & Walk (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 6/2/24

Behold, I Will Do A New Thing - 5/26/24

Don’t Let the Little Things Jam You Up (Pastor Doug Hawkins) - 5/19/24

Raised to Life (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 5/12/24

Wait on the Lord…Weight on the Lord (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 5/5/24

The Tax Collectors and Harlots Enter The Kingdom of God - 4/28/24

Be Strong and Courageous - 4/21/24

A Message from Missionary Doug Pitman - 4/14/24

Guard The Deposit (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 4/7/24

For God So Loved [Easter Service] - 3/31/24

Good Friday Service (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 3/29/24

Adoration & Rejection (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 3/24/24

Take Heed That No One Deceives You (Part 3) - 3/17/24

Take Heed That No One Deceives You (Part 2) - 3/10/24

Take Heed That No One Deceives You (Part 1) - 3/3/24

Who’s There? (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 2/25/24

Process (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 2/18/24

What Time Is It? (Part 4) - 2/11/24

What Time Is It? (Part 3) - 2/4/24

Persistence in Prayer (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 1/28/24

What Time Is It? (Part 2) - 1/21/24

What Time Is It? (Part1) - 1/14/24

Our Father (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 1/7/24


Closing the Door on 2024 (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 12/31/23

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 12/24/23

We Beheld His Glory - 12/24/23

Make Room For the King - 12/17/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 10): In Times of Trial - 12/10/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 9): In Perilous Times - 12/3/23

Rest (Pastor Phillip Merlin) - 11/26/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 8): In Times of Shaking - 11/19/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 7): The Fear of the Lord - 11/12/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 6): The Day of Visitation - 11/5/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 5): From A Pilgrim’s Perspective - 10/29/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 4): In the Last Days - 10/22/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 3): In Times of Battle - 10/15/23

Stewarding Influence (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 10/8/23

A Limited Time Only (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 10/1/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 2) - 9/24/23

A Heavenly Perspective (Part 1) - 9/17/23

Are You Expecting? - 9/10/23

O Come to the Altar - 9/3/23

The Sweet Sound of a Second Chance - 8/27/23

The Training Room (Pastor Doug Hawkins) - 8/20/23

Default Settings (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 8/13/23

But One Thing I Do (Part 2) - 8/6/23

But One Thing I Do (Part 1) - 7/30/23

That Makes Me Wanna Shout! - 7/23/23

Nor Give Place To The Devil - 7/16/23

Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness - 7/9/23

God Blesses Us For What We DO, Not For What We Know - 7/2/23

Untitled Message (Evangelist Dr. Hong Wang) - 6/25/23

The Father’s Blessing (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 6/18/23

Set The Table (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 6/11/23

Where Are You Going? (Part 2) - 6/4/23

Where Are You Going? - 5/28/23

The Keeper of the Keys - 5/21/23

The Power of a Mother’s Faith (Mother’s Day Service) - 5/14/23

Don’t Forget Your Keys (Part 3): Giving, Forgiving, and Humility - 5/7/23

Don’t Forget Your Keys (Part 2): Obedience and Faith - 4/30/23

Don’t Forget Your Keys (Part 1): Repentance - 4/23/23

To Inquire of the Lord - 4/17/23

He is Risen! Do You Believe It? (Easter Service) - 4/9/23

Easter Sunrise Service (Pastor Joe Postell) - 4/9/23

Good Friday Service (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 4/7/23

Behold, Your King is Coming - 4/2/23

Finding Purpose in Your Pain - 3/26/23

Faith in the Works (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 3/19/23

Power Over Popularity (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 3/12/23

That I May Know Him (Part 12): Jehovah Nissi - The Lord is My Banner - 3/5/23

That I May Know Him (Part 11): Jehovah Shalom - The Lord is Peace - 2/26/23

Core Power (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 2/19/23

That I May Know Him (Part 10): Jehovah - Rohi - The Lord is My Shepherd - 2/12/23

That I May Know Him (Part 9): Jehovah Rophe - 2/5/23

That I May Know Him (Part 8): Jehovah Sabbath - The Lord of Hosts - 1/29/23

That I May Know Him (Part 7): Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Will Provide - 1/22/23

That I May Know Him (Part 6): EL ROI and EL SHADDAI - 1/15/23

That I May Know Him (Part 5): EL ELYON - God Most High - 1/8/23

That I May Know Him (Part 4): It’s Time to Grow Up - 1/1/23


Born A King (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 12/25/22

That I May Know Him (Part 3): “The Light of The World” - 12/18/22

That I May Know Him (Part 2): “Yahweh Elohim” - 12/11/22

That I May Know Him (Part 1): “Elohim” Almighty Creator - 12/4/22

He Has Put a New Song in My Mouth - 11/27/22

With Thanksgiving - 11/20/22

There’s A Whole Lot of Shaking Going On - 11/13/22

Building Walls and Digging Ditches (Pastor Joe Postell) - 11/6/22

…But Even If He Doesn’t (Pastor Phillip Medlin) - 10/30/22

Satan’s Advantage, Part 3: This Is How We Fight Our Battles - 10/23/22

Satan’s Advantage, Part 2: Weapons of Our Warfare - 10/16/22

Satan’s Advantage, Part 1 - 10/9/22

These Are The Days of Elijah, Part 7: Crossing Over - 10/2/22

These Are The Days of Elijah, Part 6: At The Time of Harvest - 9/25/22

These Are The Days of Elijah, Part 5: Laborers in The Harvest - 9/18/22

These Are The Days of Elijah, Part 4: Prepare The Way of The Lord - 9/11/22

These Are The Days of Elijah, Part 3: Times of Refreshing - 9/4/22

These Are The Days of Elijah, Part 2: The Restoration of All Things - 8/28/22

These Are The Days of Elijah, Part 1: The Revealing of the Sons of God - 8/21/22

The God Who Fights For You - 8/14/22

Our Declaration of Dependence, Part 5: Unshakable Hope - 8/7/22

Our Declaration of Dependence, Part 4: Keep Your Eyes on the Road - 7/31/22

Our Declaration of Dependence, Part 3: The Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken - 7/24/22

Our Declaration of Dependence, Part 2: This is How We Fight Our Battles - 7/17/22

Our Declaration of Dependence, Part 1 - 7/10/22

Personal Freedom is Our Choice - 7/3/22

Crossing Over, Part 2: Entering the Promise Land - 6/26/22

Crossing Over, Part 1: A Father’s Example - 6/19/22

Honey From the Rock - 6/12/22

Pentacost - Rev. Peggy Cochran - 6/5/22

Finding Purpose in the Valley (Part 2) - 5/29/22

Finding Purpose in the Valley (Part 1) - 5/22/22

The Rock Slinging, Traveling Harp Player - Pastor Phillip Medlin - 5/15/22

Carrying A Promise (Mother’s Day Service) - Pastor Phillip Medlin - 5/8/22

Coming Out, Part 2: Walking in Victory - 5/1/22

Coming Out - 4/24/22

The Risen King: Why the Resurrection? (Easter Sunday Service) - 4/17/22

The Truth Shall Make You Free, Part 3: What You Have - 4/10/22

The Truth Shall Make You Free, Part 2: Who Are You? - 4/3/22

The Truth Shall Make You Free - 3/27/22

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is Liberty - 3/20/22

Where the Spirit of the Lord Is - 3/13/22

Why the Mountain? - 3/6/22

It’s the Size of Your Faith, Not the Size of the Mountain - 2/20/22

The Foundation Stone - 2/13/22

A Time to Gather Stones - 2/6/22

Why Living Stones - 1/30/22

Why Living Stone? - 1/23/22

Note: Sunday 1/16/22 service cancelled due to inclement weather.

2022 - The Year of Shakings (Part 2) - 1/9/22

2022 - The Year of Shaking - 1/2/22


Mary’s Song - 12/26/21

Christmas Eve Service - 12/24/21

For Unto Us a Child is Born, A Son is Given - 12/19/21

Glory to God in the Highest - 12/12/21

Thanks Living - 12/5/21

Hope - Pastor Phillip Medlin - 11/28/21

Room at the Table - Pastor Phillip Medlin - 11/21/21

The Weapons of Our Warfare (Part 3): By the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of Our Testimony - 11/14/21

The Weapons of Our Warfare (Part 2): The Mighty Name of Jesus - 11/7/21

The Weapons of Our Warfare (Part 1): The Word of God - 10/31/21

Standing on the Promises of God - 10/24/21

Behold, I Will Do a New Thing - 10/17/21

To Be Partaker of the Divine Nature - 10/10/21

For Such a Time as This - 10/3/21

To Be Like Him | Sermon Slides - 9/26/21

Do this in Remembrance of Me - 9/18/21

As in the Days of Jesus - 9/12/21

But as it Was in the Days of Noah - 9/5/21

The Next Great Exodus (Part 2) | Sermon Slides - 8/22/21

The Next Great Exodus (Part 1) (Partial recording)| Sermon Slides - 8/22/21

Where God Guides, He Provides (Part 3) | Sermon Slides - 8/15/21

Where God Guides, He Provides (Part 2) | Sermon Slides - 8/8/21

Where God Guides, He Provides (Part 1) | Sermon Slides - 8/1/21

Special Message - Rev. Peggy Cochran | No Sermon Slides - 7/25/21

The Spirit of Esau (Part 2) | Sermon Slides - 7/18/21

The Spirit of Esau (Part 1) | Sermon Slides - 7/11/21

Let There Be Light | Sermon Slides - 7/4/21

How to Bless (Part 5): The Firstborn Blessing of God | Sermon Slides - 6/27/21

How to Bless (Part 4): The Power of the Curse & How to Break It | Sermon Slides - 6/20/21

How to Bless (Part 3): The Impartation of Power | Sermon Slides - 6/13/21

How to Bless (Part 2): The Impartation of Power | Sermon Slides - 6/6/21

How to Bless (Part 1): The Impartation of Power | Sermon Slides - 5/30/21

For What? - Pastor Doug Hawkins | Sermon Slides - 5/23/21

Satan’s Plan (via Facebook)| Sermon Slides - 5/16/21

When Momma Calls (Mother’s Day Service) - Pastor Phillip Medlin | No Sermon Slides - 5/9/21

Psalm 118 Message - Pastor Joe Postell | Sermon Slides - 5/2/21

Ready to Rumble | Sermon Slides - 4/25/21

Believing is Seeing | Sermon Slides - 4/18/21

The Proof in the Rising Continues (Partial recording)| Sermon Slides - 4/11/21

The Proof is in the Rising (Easter Service) | Sermon Slides - 4/4/21

Out For Blood (Good Friday Service) - Pastor Phillip Medlin | Sermon Slides - 4/2/21

Making A Stand (Part 4) (Partial recording) | Sermon Slides - 3/28/21

Making A Stand (Part 3) | Sermon Slides - 3/21/21

Making A Stand (Part 2) | Sermon Slides - 3/14/21

Making A Stand (Part 1) | Sermon Slides - 3/7/21

As For Me and My House | Sermon Slides - 2/28/21

The Law … What’s Love Go To Do With It (Part 2) | Sermon Slides - 2/21/21

The Law … What’s Love Got To Do With It | Sermon Slides - 2/14/21

Heaven Help Us! | Sermon Slides - 2/7/21

2021: The Year of Lawlessness: What Shall We Do? (Part 3) | Sermon Slides - 1/31/21

2021: The Year of Lawlessness: What Shall We Do? (Part 2) | Sermon Slides - 1/24/21

2021: The Year of Lawlessness: What Shall We Do? (Part 1) | Sermon Slides - 1/17/21

2021: The Year of Lawlessness | Sermon Slides - 1/10/21

Agreement with God - Pastor Joe Postell | Sermon Slides - 1/3/21


Winning Over | Sermon Slides - 12/27/20

Jesus Christ is the Joy of Christmas - Pastor Joe Postell | Sermon Slides - 12/20/20

The Fire on the Mountain & The Lamb of God | Sermon Slides - 12/13/20

The Reproductive Seed | Sermon Slides - 12/6/20

Planting the Word - Pastor Phillip Medlin | Sermon Slides - 11/29/20

The Peace of God Which Surpasses All Understanding | Sermon Slides - 11/22/20

The Hope of His Calling | Sermon Slides - 11/15/20

The Coming of the Lawless One | Sermon Slides - 11/8/20

The Secret Things | Sermon Slides - 11/1/20

True Riches | Sermon Slides - 10/25/20

The Book of Remembrance (Part 2) | Sermon Slides - 10/18/20

The Book of Remembrance (Part 1) | Sermon Slides - 10/11/20

What Time Is It?: A Prophetic Update (Part 3) | Sermon Slides - 9/27/20

What Time Is It?: A Prophetic Update (Part 2) | Sermon Slides - 9/20/20

What Time Is It?: A Prophetic Update (Part 1) | No Sermon Slides - 9/13/20

Keep Calm and Carry On | Sermon Slides - 9/6/20

Strong and Courageous | Sermon Slides - 8/30/20

Fear Not | Sermon Slides - 8/23/20

Build Stones - Pastor Phillip Medlin | Sermon Slides - 8/16/20

The Word - Pastor Joe Postell | Sermon Slides - 8/9/20

What in the World is God Doing? | Sermon Slides - 8/2/20

Who’s Friend Are We? | Sermon Slides - 7/26/20

Being a Friend of God | Sermon Slides - 7/19/20

What is Your Purpose? - Pastor Doug Hawkins| Sermon Slides - 7/12/20

If My People | Sermon Slides - 7/5/20

Perilous Times Will Come | Sermon Slides - 6/28/20

Following in the Father’s Footsteps | Sermon Slides - 6/21/20

The Mystery of Lawlessness | Sermon Slides - 6/14/20

The Mingling Meddler | Sermon Slides - 6/7/20

The Birth Pangs of Pentecost | Sermon Slides - 5/31/20

It’s Time to Work While It’s Still Day | Sermon Slides - 5/24/20

What Time Is It?| No Sermon Slides - 5/17/20

Mother’s Day Message (Parking Lot Service) - Pastor Phillip Medlin| No Sermon Slides - 5/10/20

Repent: Don’t Miss It (Parking Lot Service) | No Sermon Slides - 5/3/20

Don’t Miss It: Repent! (Parking Lot Service) | No Sermon Slides - 4/26/20

Be Still. Don’t Miss It | (Parking Lot Service) | No Sermon Slides - 4/19/20

Don’t Miss It (Easter Service) | No Sermon Slides - 4/12/20

Palm Sunday Message (Parking Lot Service) | No Sermon Slides - 4/5/20

There’s A Whole Lot of Shaking Going On - Sermon Slides - 3/29/20

The Essentials - Pastor Phillip Medlin - Sermon Slides - 3/22/20

The Abundant Life: Walking in Perfect Love | Sermon Slides - 3/15/20

The Abundant Life: Walking in Our Calling | Sermon Slides - 3/8/20

The Abundant Life: Answering the Call | Sermon Slides - 3/1/20

Untitled Message - Pastor Joe Postell | Sermon Slides - 2/23/20

The Abundant Life: Build Upon the Rock | Sermon Slides - 2/16/20

The Abundant Life: The True Riches | Sermon Slides - 2/9/20

The Abundant Life: The Secret Place | Sermon Slides - 2/2/20

The Abundant Life (Part 2) |No Sermon Slides - 1/26/20

The Abundant Life (Part 1) | No Sermon Slides - 1/19/20

2020: The Year of Transformation | No Sermon Slides - 1/12/20

20/20 Vision | Sermon Slides - 1/5/20