It is our privilege to join you in prayer when you have specific needs. We have a group of committed prayer partners, who join the staff in praying for our Living Stone Church family. You may choose whether you wish for your request to be submitted to the prayer team or to the LSC staff only, and you may also specify the prayer to be shared anonymously.
In order to guard others’ privacy, we ask that you limit details and names to only what is necessary. If you are requesting prayer on behalf of others, be sure you have their permission to post the details of their circumstances.
Please keep us updated as your situation changes to see how God is moving in response to our prayers. You can use the form on the Prayer & Praise Updates page to provide your update.
We have a team ready to help meet your needs during difficult times. We can help with hospital visits, funerals, counseling, and more. Please use the form below to contact us to let us know how we can help.
How can we pray for you or provide care?